
5 tips to reduce the use of energy properties commercial

5 tips to reduce the use of energy properties commercial Owning a large commercial property means managing a large space and inventory. Ever wonder how you can create a property with greater energy efficiency to reduce bills and increase profits? Look no further Today, we are discussing 5 tips to reduce the energy use of your commercial property! 1. USE NATURAL LIGHT This may seem simple, but why not use free sunlight to help reduce lighting costs? By placing skylights or large windows in your building, you can not only reduce the amount of lights you need, but natural sunlight can heat your space organically! 2. PLANTS TREES You may be wondering what trees have to do with energy efficiency. Planting trees on your property creates more shaded areas, helping to keep your building cool during the summer. Investing in shades for larger windows can also be a great help during the summer, so your building's cooling system is not working overtime against the heat of the sun. 3. IN

3 uses for LEDs in winter

3 uses for LEDs in winter There is no denying that the winter weather is upon us. Cold weather, ice-covered windshields and dark mornings and first nights can be difficult to adjust. LED lighting is an excellent option throughout the year, but it is the only light on the market that works equally well, if not better, in cold conditions. This makes them an excellent choice for outdoor winter lighting, such as security wall packages, store signage and parking and street lighting. Keep reading to find out why! 1. SECURITY AND OUTDOOR LIGHTING During winter, most of our days are spent in the dark. With the sunrise after 7 am and sunset at 5 pm, we depend on the lighting in our homes, parking lots, offices and more to keep us alert and focused. This makes LED safety and outdoor lighting an excellent option during winter. Whether you install a wall pack with motion sensor in your garage or place LED bulbs in your wall light, front door light, the LEDs will withstand winter weather.

3 Benefits of LED construction lighting

3 Benefits of LED construction lighting If you work in construction, you know that the work does not end when the sun goes down. Whether you are working on new roads, a new office building or renovating a house, the construction barely has office hours. You wake up early and go to bed late depending on your project. This makes lighting the most important. Construction is accurate and detailed work, and adequate lighting helps you get the job done, even late at night and early in the morning. This blog will show you some benefits of LED construction lighting. 3 BENEFITS OF CONSTRUCTION LED LIGHTING 1. Safety first Safety is key when working on a construction site. Not only do you need to see what you are doing, but you need others to be able to see it. If you are working on road construction at night, it is important that travelers can see your site and move out of the way. LEDs are excellent for construction and outdoor maintenance because they work well in all weather conditi

Can LEDs improve retail sales

Can LEDs improve retail sales A couple of posts ago, we discuss the possibility that LED lighting improves sales and benefits for car dealers. Today we have returned to answer the question: "Can LEDs improve retail sales?" We will not put it on hold. The answer is yes! LEDs can improve your sales by eliminating fading of products, displaying clothes in their real colors, creating a better room experience and much more! SHOW YOUR TRUE COLORS! Have you ever been to a store, debating whether those pants are navy or black? Or if that sweater is more orange or red? The colors change according to the lighting, so it is much more important to have excellent lighting in retail stores. LEDs are the best light on the market to show products, be it clothes, paint samples or furniture, in their most real colors. THE DAYS OF FADING FADING AWAY! Clothes, paint and furniture colors fade over time, for various reasons. Did you know that lighting could be an important factor in fad

LED lighting for your home

LED lighting for your home Widespread and increasingly appreciated, LED lights are everywhere and for everything. Bulbs, spotlights, strips, spots ... are different versions used for the house and its exterior. The LED ... English abbreviation of Light Emitting Diode, is an electronic component, which only lets the electric current pass in one direction and simultaneously emits light: ecological, efficient, economical and durable. When conventional lighting represents about 12% of normal electricity consumption, adopting the LED solution, consumption would be 3 to 5 times lower than low energy bulbs, 8 to 10 times lower than incandescent bulbs and 6 times lower than bulbs halogens. Its operating time is around 30,000 hours, a significant impact on the ecology (8 to 10 times longer with energy expenditure 4 to 5 times less important), much higher than other types of conventional lighting. What are the lumens of an LED bulb? The lumen corresponds to the luminous efficiency o